Infosecurity Opinions

  1. Security AI is more than an Algorithm

    All analytics will be more effective when provided with rich, high-fidelity sources of data.

    1. Photo of Barbara Kay

      Barbara Kay

      Senior Director of Security, Extrahop

  2. Is Sandboxing a Playground for Browser-Borne Threats?

    Given today’s evasive threats, will sandboxing be considered an adequate form of security for much longer?

    1. Photo of Ilan  Paretsky

      Ilan Paretsky

      Chief Marketing Officer at Ericom Software

  3. Phishing in the Deep End: The Growing Threat of Attacks Beyond Email

    The primary target has now become the unsuspecting person using these devices and systems.

    1. Photo of Atif Mushtaq

      Atif Mushtaq

      CEO of SlashNext

  4. Mitigating IoT Cyber Risks: Training is the First Step

    Roles which five years ago we would never have thought of as requiring cybersecurity training, will need it as adoption of connected devices continues to rise.

    1. Photo of Guy Bunker

      Guy Bunker

      SVP of Products, Clearswift

  5. It Started with a Phish

    The four key elements of an anti-phishing program.

    1. Photo of Todd O’Boyle

      Todd O’Boyle

      Director of product management at WatchGuard Technologies

  6. Are Bug Bounty Programs the Answer to Secure Endpoints?

    Like with any security protection, don’t just rely on one form – bug bounties aren’t a silver bullet.

    1. Photo of Marcin Kleczynski

      Marcin Kleczynski

      CEO and co-founder of Malwarebytes

  7. Shrouding IoT Security in the Fog

    By virtue of its distributed architecture, fog computing secures everything from the cloud to the device.

    1. Photo of Frank Michaud

      Frank Michaud

      Co-chair of the OpenFog Security Working Group

    2. Photo of Dr John Zao

      Dr John Zao

      Co-chair of the OpenFog Security Working Group

  8. Protecting a Mobile Workforce with Hybrid DNS Security

    The root of many of data breaches, and the damage and stress that accompanies them, lies the DNS.

    1. Photo of Gary Cox

      Gary Cox

      Technology Director, Western Europe at Infoblox

  9. Eight Weak Links that Make Cryptocurrency Exchanges Vulnerable

    The security of cryptocurrency is irrelevant if the exchange in which it is stored it is not secure.

    1. Photo of Sameer Dixit

      Sameer Dixit

      Senior Director, Security Consulting, Spirent Communications

  10. Nice Quotes, But I Wouldn’t Take Cybersecurity Advice from Alphonse Karr

    Changes are both the enemy and the ally of cybersecurity, but in both cases, it is absolutely not the case that security is unaffected by change.

    1. Photo of Mark  Kedgley

      Mark Kedgley

      CTO at NNT

  11. Departing Employees Should Not Mean Departing Data

    With more than two-thirds of organizations experiencing data theft when employees depart, you need to protect your organization against insider threats.

    1. Photo of Mike Mason

      Mike Mason

      Sr. Product Marketing Manager at FairWarning

  12. Education and Training: The Downfall of File-Less Attacks

    How to train employees to understand and identify an advanced "volatile" threat.

    1. Photo of Colin Tankard

      Colin Tankard

      Managing Director, Digital Pathways

  13. SEC Cybersecurity Update May Lead to Increased Oversight

    What the SEC statement means for companies, who could choose to follow its advice or ignore it altogether.

    1. Photo of Sam Abadir

      Sam Abadir

      Vice President of Industry Solutions, Lockpath

  14. What is KMIP and Why Should Anyone Care?

    KMIP allows the interoperable exchange of data between different key management servers and clients, but why does it matter?

    1. Photo of John Leiseboer

      John Leiseboer

      Founding CTO at QuintessenceLabs

  15. Why Do VPNs Need To Be GDPR Compliant?

    Now GDPR has been in force for over a month, why do VPNs need to be compliant too?

    1. Photo of Anas Baig

      Anas Baig

      Security Consultant

  16. Security Automation Soars to Top of Agenda

    Security orchestration, automation and response platforms need careful consideration in easing the security management burden.

    1. Photo of Sander Barens

      Sander Barens

      Vice President of Development at Expereo

  17. How Pseudonymous Reputation and the Dark Web Have Made Cybercrime Easier Than Ever

    Today an array of marketplaces, infrastructure, and technology empower much more ordinary actors to commit crime on a massive scale with impunity.

    1. Michael Tiffany

      Co-founder & President, WhiteOps

  18. The Inefficient Battle Against Phishing Attacks and the Technology to Turn the Tides of War

    When enough people flag a sender as spam, they will be blacklisted, but it's important for providers to constantly adapt and block spammer accounts.

    1. Photo of Andrew Goldberg

      Andrew Goldberg

      Chief Scientist at Inky Phish Fence

  19. A New Approach to Data Breach Prevention: Early and Pervasive Breach Detection

    The earlier you can detect a cyber-attack, the higher the probability of preventing data breaches. So what is preventing that early detection?

    1. Photo of John Peterson

      John Peterson

      Chief Product Officer at Aella Data

  20. Detecting and Responding to Cryptojacking with Artificial Intelligence

    How artificial intelligence can help to detect and respond to cyber-criminals harnessing computer power to mine cryptocurrency.

    1. Photo of Matt Walmsley

      Matt Walmsley

      EMEA Director at Vectra Networks

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