Infosecurity Opinions

  1. In Bots We Trust: Better Enterprise Security Through AI

    Post GDPR and pre AI, the enterprise needs to entirely transform its thinking about security.

    1. Chris Sussman

      SVP, Operations, Verint Intelligent Self-Service

  2. The Next Big Lesson for Security: Context is King

    We need higher-fidelity alerts contextualized across multiple facets of a system.

    1. Photo of David Pearson

      David Pearson

      Principal Threat Researcher, Awake Security

  3. Security's Role in the Shift Left in Application Security

    As the DevSecOps process requires developers to take greater responsibility for securing software as well as building it, consideration must be given as to what this means for members of the security team.

    1. Photo of Paul Farrington

      Paul Farrington

      Director, EMEA solution architects, Veracode

  4. GDPR: Don't Rest on Your Data, We've Only Just Begun

    May 25 was the starting line, we never know which way regulators and legislators are going to go until they act.

    1. Photo of Steve Durbin

      Steve Durbin

      CEO, Information Security Forum

  5. Crack Cyber Attack Cases ...with Terror Attack Investigation Tactics

    Five lessons on how to replicate terror investigations for the benefit of cyber.

    1. Photo of Noam Rosenfeld

      Noam Rosenfeld

      Senior Vice President Research and Development, Cyber Intelligence Solutions, Verint Systems

  6. Access all Areas - Not Anymore!

    Unauthorized access to data is a huge downfall for many businesses.

    1. Photo of Simon Cuthbert

      Simon Cuthbert

      Head of International, 8MAN by Protected Networks

  7. Must Have Factors of a Mobile Security Policy

    Tips on how to build a mobile security policy.

    1. Photo of Alexa Lemzy

      Alexa Lemzy

      Customer support manager at TextMagic

  8. Why Life Under GDPR will Encourage Technology Innovation

    The GDPR is the first step as data protection evolves from compliance to accountability – creating opportunities to develop new services as well as to improve public perceptions.

    1. Photo of James Wickes

      James Wickes

      CEO and co-founder of Cloudview

  9. Do It Yourself? Could be a Painful Experience

    A decision to buy will always be affected by whether or not you trust a vendor.

    1. Photo of Mike MacIntyre

      Mike MacIntyre

      Chief Scientist, Panaseer

  10. Security at the Speed of Business

    Bringing security professionals into the business conversation as early as possible will allow them to lay out a plan where the business can grow but also be secure,

    1. Photo of Craig Riddell

      Craig Riddell

      Senior solutions architect, SSH Communications Security

  11. Batten Down the Hatches against Crypto-Mining Pirates

    Cryptocurrency pirates are happy to steal computational power to do it, and they don’t care who they hurt in the process.

    1. Photo of Aaron McKee

      Aaron McKee

      Director of Cybersecurity and Threat Analytics at Cyxtera

  12. We’re Losing the Race to Patch Known Security Flaws: Will GDPR Help?

    Virtual Patching is emerging as a solution to the problem of too many unapplied software fixes.

    1. Photo of James E. Lee

      James E. Lee

      Executive Vice-President, Waratek

  13. How Much do Passwords Cost your Business?

    The cost of supporting password systems, including staffing and infrastructure, can be significant for today’s digital businesses

    1. Sandor Palfy

      CTO, Lastpass

  14. DMARC Will Not Make Email Secure

    DMARC will make little, if any, difference in improving email security respecting phishing because DMARC inadequately addresses both the technical proficiency of dedicated threat actors and their tools of psychological manipulation.

    1. Photo of Robert Zager

      Robert Zager

      Security Researcher at Iconix

  15. Somebody Else's Security: Rethinking Cloud FUD

    The list of enterprise IT organizations who had their private data publicly exposed in 2017 because of misconfigured AWS S3 buckets is long.

    1. Photo of Terry Ray

      Terry Ray

      SVP, Imperva

  16. Effectively Managing Mistrust for Optimal Cybersecurity

    It’s vital that businesses work together to share information to stay one step ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape.

    1. Chris O'Brien

      Director, intelligence operations, EclecticIQ

  17. Undermining Crypto-Threats

    Cryptomining has the potential to be as big a threat a ransomware, and it is harder for law enforcement to track the perpetrators.

    1. Photo of Adam Vincent

      Adam Vincent

      CEO of ThreatConnect

  18. Establishing Trust in a World without Boundaries

    This brave new world has new security challenges, necessitating a new strategy based on a perimeter-less, “zero-trust” approach.

    1. Photo of Ash Devata

      Ash Devata

      VP of Products, Duo Security

  19. Protecting Privileged Identities: Why IAM starts with PAM

    Like any good security measure designed to protect critical information assets, managing and protecting privileged accounts requires both a plan and an ongoing program

    1. Photo of Joseph Carson

      Joseph Carson

      Chief Security Scientist & Advisory CISO - Delinea

  20. Bouncing Back from Cyber Attack

    Knowing where to get started a cyber-attack specific disaster recovery plan is always half the battle..

    1. Photo of Brent Whitfield

      Brent Whitfield

      CEO of DCG Technical Solutions Inc

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