Infosecurity Opinions
Cyber Gangs Get Smarter
Why internationally-orchestrated cyber-attacks are continuing to succeed.
Are We Aware Yet?
We’re just not human centric. If you want better results, let people be people, and design accordingly.
Why are most Compliance Requirements Completely Nonsensical?
It doesn’t matter which compliance regulation you talk about, each gets a collective groan from businesses whenever it arises on the agenda.
Why Governments Will Play a Key Role in the Future of IoT Security
Policymakers will need to work with the private industry to create a framework for reliable IoT security that actively protects privacy without hindering innovation.
Why and How You Should Harden Your Systems
Putting protective measures in place will strengthen your security posture, and there are tools and resources to help you.
Building Open Source Security into DevOps
Unless developers are logging the open source code they use in an automated fashion, identifying that information later will be a 'best-guess' scenario.
Psychology of Ransomware: How Extortionists Use Fear, Anger and Humor to Hold Your Data Hostage
Examining the psychology of ransomware attacks and how cyber-criminals prey on our intrinsic human emotions to get what they want.
Finding Meaning in the GDPR’s Language
Reading through the GDPR can fill a business owner with an equal mix of confusion and anxiety
GDPR: Will We Get Back Control of our Data?
Will the GDPR make us the masters of our own personal data?
Why Do Enterprises Need a Software Security Program?
Enterprises cannot expect a collection of independent activities to consistently result in secure software.
In the Cloud, On the Ground: Securing Office 365 and Hybrid Environments
With breaches and ransomware hitting the headlines, is all of your data – both in the cloud in Office 365 and on-premise – really safe?
Everyone is a Spear Phishing Target
Given the vast quantities of personal information contained within the Equifax data set, expect to see a targeted set of attacks arise in 2018 that utilize sophisticated impersonations of business services and brands.
Secrets at Risk as DevOps Goes Mainstream
An agile development approach also creates serious security risks to privileged account credentials and secrets.
Understanding and Neutralizing Evasive Malware Tactics
Incidents that have involved evasive malware, and in particular fileless techniques for bypassing endpoint security measures are set to be even more damaging, costly, and exasperating in 2018.
Why Voice Verification is the Future of Authentication
Customer authentication tools have developed in recent times and voice verification is the future when it comes to authenticating legitimate customers.
Cybersecurity Hype: Is the Industry Delivering on its Promise?
Given the ongoing list of high-profile security breaches, is the cybersecurity industry really offering its customers value for money?
Cloud Security - The Future of IDS?
Some may argue that Intrusion Detection Systems are the solution, but I believe that future security will be driven by the Cloud Service Providers.
Can Patching and Backup Protect from Ransomware?
Even companies that have good patching and vulnerability plans in place may still be vulnerable.
Scaling the Data Mountain
Will 2018 see an even greater increase in data breaches or will organizations finally start taking data protection seriously?
Let's Not Make the Distributed Internet Insecure
If Distributed Ledger technologies must be protected against all sorts of possible malicious activity.