Infosecurity Opinions

  1. The Weakest Link in Cybersecurity

    Email technology may well save the reputations of countless organizations and individuals.

    1. Photo of Tony Pepper

      Tony Pepper

      CEO, Egress

  2. A Surgical Approach to Software Security: Protecting Software from the Inside Out

    We must focus on a preemptive diagnosis and cure designed to eliminate the opportunity for problems both today and in the future.

    1. Photo of Manish Gupta

      Manish Gupta

      CEO, ShiftLeft

  3. Big Questions to Ask About Security in the Cloud

    A guide to use when discussing application infrastructure and operations with cloud providers.

  4. Data-Centric Security: Protecting What Really Matters

    Data-centric, rather than network-centric, security strategies are becoming the norm in our new digital environment.

    1. Photo of Matt Little

      Matt Little

      Chief Product Officer, PKWARE

  5. Why 2017's Phishing Attacks Teach Us All to Beware

    If these attacks tell us one thing, it’s this: don’t be fooled into thinking attacks only happen to others.

    1. Photo of Eyal Benishti

      Eyal Benishti

      CEO of IronScales

  6. How Can Data Forensics Help The Fight Against Malware?

    IT teams need better intelligence, that insight can come from remediation in the form of network forensics.

    1. Photo of Doug Roberts

      Doug Roberts

      VP and General Manager of Enterprise and Cloud Business Unit, VIAVI Solutions

  7. Changing Cyber Threats Call For New Protection Strategies

    Changes in cybercrime techniques mean that companies need to be sure their strategies—from security practices to cyber insurance coverage—keep pace.

    1. Tom Spier

      International Director of Business Development at CyberScout

  8. You Wouldn't Re-Use a Needle, So Why Re-Use a Computer?

    We visit websites, open email attachments, download documents, and plug in USB devices – all on the same device – seemingly oblivious to the potential threat of infection without even washing our virtual hands.

    1. Photo of Joe Malinka

      Joe Malinka

      Technical Account Manager, Bromium

  9. Smart Buildings Require Full-Stack Cybersecurity

    Smart buildings combine operational technology (OT), information technology (IT) and IoT devices.

    1. Photo of Adi Dar

      Adi Dar

      CEO of Cyberbit

  10. How The Access Control Dilemma is Losing Sales

    Do the PCI-DSS standards address every single technical consideration in keeping financial data safe?

    1. Gene Shablygin

      CEO and founder of WWPass

  11. Four Things Businesses Should be Doing to Protect from Cyber-Attacks

    There are a host of basic best practices that a majority of corporate networks are failing to implement, and it’s leaving them critically vulnerable.

    1. Photo of Danielle Adams

      Danielle Adams

      Freelance Writer

  12. How to Keep Pace With the Shifting Sands of Cybersecurity

    Faced with the increasing threat of cybercrime, businesses can’t be reactive anymore.

    1. Photo of John Loveland

      John Loveland

      Global Head of Cyber Security at Verizon

  13. Putting The Brakes on Cyber-Attacks for IoT and Connected Cars

    The attack surface in this ecosystem is enormous and the increased connectivity and complexity is resulting in new risks and threats to personal safety, security and privacy.

    1. Photo of Daniel Thunberg

      Daniel Thunberg

      Global Head, Connected Transport, Irdeto

  14. Better Management of Bitlocker in Your Enterprise

    How to better manage BitLocker and the key considerations when rolling it out.

    1. Photo of Mark Hickman

      Mark Hickman

      Chief Operating Officer of WinMagic

  15. Is Compliance-Only Vaccination Enough?

    Organizations who have adopted security measures - not just for auditor’s consent but genuinely for their businesses - will find themselves victorious.

    1. Photo of Bhaskar Maheshwari

      Bhaskar Maheshwari

      GRC Practice Lead, Cyber Security at Happiest Minds Technology

  16. Cyber Attack Trends: Detection, Response, and Cure

    Being able to detect attacks is only a small fraction of the process, organizations must also be suitably prepared to defend themselves from potential attacks and respond effectively if an incident occurs.

    1. Photo of Javvad Malik

      Javvad Malik

      Security Awareness Advocate, KnowBe4

  17. Threat Hunting: The What, Why and Who?

    Threat hunting focuses on identifying perpetrators who are already within the organization's systems and networks, and who have the three characteristics of a threat.

    1. Photo of Rishi Bhargava

      Rishi Bhargava

      Co-founder and VP, Marketing for Demisto

  18. The Developers' Skills Gap for Secure DevOps

    Businesses embrace DevOps to feed their need for speed, binding the previous separate developer and operations teams.

    1. Photo of Maria Loughlin

      Maria Loughlin

      VP of engineering, Veracode

  19. The Ins and Outs of GDPR

    GDPR will require companies to take truly effective steps to safeguard the data with which their customers have entrusted them.

    1. Photo of Elad Ben-Meir

      Elad Ben-Meir

      CEO, SCADAfence

  20. Why The New NIST Guidelines Are Not Enough

    Instead of bending guidelines to succumb to user behavior, the industry should be working to create better and more secure technology that is also easier for consumers to use.

    1. Photo of Ori Eisen

      Ori Eisen

      CEO of Trusona

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