Infosecurity Opinions

  1. The Secret to Winning the War for Security Talent

    Hiring the right security staff is the most critical for managing risk.

    1. Photo of Jeremy Bergsman

      Jeremy Bergsman

      Practice Manager, CEB

    2. Photo of Daria Kirilenko

      Daria Kirilenko

      Research consultant at CEB

  2. The Data Centre as a Time Machine

    Yet to realize the potential impact of digitization, we need to help businesses get to grips with the reality of the cybersecurity threat landscape we now find ourselves in.

    1. Photo of Terry  Greer-King

      Terry Greer-King

      Director of Cybersecurity, Cisco

  3. Enterprise Security for the Home

    The arrival of the IOT era means it is time that Internet security is taken more seriously by everyone and that the answer is to introduce enterprise-class systems and controls to protect home networks.

    1. Photo of Simon Wesseldine

      Simon Wesseldine

      CSO of Idappcom

  4. Measure ROI of Phishing Awareness and Education Training

    While employees are often considered the front line of protection, they’re also the individuals most likely to voluntarily turn over information.

    1. Photo of Eyal Benishti

      Eyal Benishti

      CEO of IronScales

  5. Five Questions Board Members Should Ask Their CISO

    Security isn’t something that can just be swept under the rug while the board and executive team plans on just pointing figures if something bad happens

    1. Photo of Ernesto DiGiambattista

      Ernesto DiGiambattista

      CEO and Founder of Cybric

  6. How to Defuse the BYOD Bomb Without Going Nuclear

    For many organizations, there is another more practical way to subdue the BYOD goliath without killing off all employee freedom to use preferred devices for work.

    1. Photo of Adrian Dain

      Adrian Dain

      Principal Consultant at Mason Advisory

  7. Collaboration is the Key to Effective Cyber-defense

    Every year, cybersecurity rises up the business agenda. Today, putting the right protection and protocols in place to defend against growing cyber-risks is front of mind for boardrooms around the world

    1. Photo of Richard  Wilding

      Richard Wilding

      Director of New Ventures, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence

  8. Security Priorities and Multi-Cloud Migration - What to Secure First

    Securing, patching and isolating the cloud workload should be the first priorities.

    1. Photo of Oliver Pinson-Roxbrough

      Oliver Pinson-Roxbrough

      EMEA director at Alert Logic

  9. How to Assemble a Solid Security Team

    What does an ideal group look like? It draws from several functions and departments—the C-suite, legal, human resources, information technology, and, of course, security.

    1. Photo of David Green

      David Green

      chief security officer of Veriato

  10. SAML - The Vital Hidden Ingredient in Effective Single Sign-On

    SAML provides the capability for users to access resources from entirely separate domains using their own credentials.

    1. Photo of Lee Painter

      Lee Painter

      CEO of Hypersocket Software

  11. Iot Botnets are Coming, How Can You Escape Them?

    We probably weren’t expecting our sites and services to be collateral damage in a small but nasty war in the world of Minecraft gaming server providers.

    1. Photo of David Williamson

      David Williamson

      CEO at EfficientIP

  12. Standards and Security: The Great DDoS Challenge

    DDoS attacks are now moving towards more mission critical operations in hospitals, banks and universities.

    1. Sally Long

      Director of The Open Group Trusted Technology Forum, The Open Group

  13. Ransomware "Your Money, or your Data!"

    There may never be a cyber-silver bullet to protect you 100% of the time against these pervasive threats; those who claim they can, will inevitably face disappointed end users.

    1. Photo of Scott Millis

      Scott Millis

      CTO, Cyber adAPT

  14. A Growing Talent Shortfall Can Leave Apps Vulnerable

    The skills shortage will prove to be an unlikely cause of serious application security weaknesses and data theft in the coming years.

    1. Photo of John Matthew Holt

      John Matthew Holt

      Founder & CTO, Waratek

  15. From Data to Critical Infrastructure: Attackers Get Physical

    We’re no longer talking just about regulatory fines and reputational damage, but the possibility of actual physical harm.

    1. Photo of Chris Goettl

      Chris Goettl

      Product Manager, Ivanti

  16. Training an Army of Cyber Defenders: The Case for Simulation

    Cultivating security experience through a framework of simulation training

    1. Photo of Adi Dar

      Adi Dar

      CEO of Cyberbit

  17. Coming to Terms with the Snooper's Charter

    ISPA exists and unless attempts to amend it are successful, those of us working in the IT sector will need to comply with it.

    1. Photo of Richard  Whomes

      Richard Whomes

      Senior Director, Rocket Software

  18. A Reversed Approach to Tackling Insider Threats

    By looking inwards – including continual monitoring of their internal networks and accumulated logs – organizations have fundamentally changed (and reversed) the age-old security mantra of defence.

  19. How to Boost Your Information Security When Outsourcing

    The possible ways of avoiding the main pitfalls in terms of protecting sensitive information.

    1. Photo of Sergiy  Korniyenko

      Sergiy Korniyenko

      COO of Agiliway

  20. The First Step to Uncovering Cryptography

    As cryptography becomes increasingly complicated and perhaps gradually more unintelligible for humans (especially as we hand it over to AI), understanding the precepts of security and cryptography is essential to all businesses, especially those that provide internet services or store customer data in internet-based systems.

    1. Photo of Jonathan Jenkyn

      Jonathan Jenkyn

      Security Practice Lead, KCOM

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