Infosecurity Opinions
Automation in Phishing: Fighting One Automated Industry with Another
As the phishing field continues to become more sophisticated, a larger abundance of advanced tools will become available for cyber-criminal to ensure their campaigns’ success.
The Three Innovations Shaping Cybersecurity's Future
Adaptive security continues to be a strategic technology trend for enterprises who face sophisticated cyber-attacks that force them to play constant defense using a patchwork of security tools.
A Big Problem for Small Business: Why Companies of All Sizes must be Cybercrime Savvy
It'’s easy to understand why so many people assume cybercrime is something that only happens to big businesses.
Three Cybersecurity Mistakes That Can Kill Your Business
Underestimating the level of danger is a principle business mistake that can lead to cybersecurity risks piling up until eventually a devastating breach will happen
Facing a Crisis of Cyber Confidence, Organizations Must Focus on Risk and Resilience
Planning for resilient incident response in the aftermath of a breach is imperative. Traditional risk management is insufficient.
Deciphering Email Insecurity
Email insecurity threatens political campaigns, organizations and even elections.
Corporate Board Responsibility - The Cyber Security Buck Stops Here
Who is responsible for cybersecurity issues inside the business, and whom does the buck stop with?
Why Are Organizations Failing to Report Cybercrime?
Imagine what the cybercrime figures would look like if the remaining 46% had reported their attacks.
Scaling the Data Mountain
Data governance can help organizations protect their most important assets before data can be exposed or breached.
Who is Responsible for Encryption Keys?
Once the GDPR is in full force, there will be thousands more data privacy officers in Europe, tasked with protecting personally identifiable information as it moves within and beyond the organizational boundary.
A Trumped-Up Approach to the Borderless War on "the Cyber"
What can we make of President Trump’s public statements on cybersecurity? Where will cybersecurity leadership come from and how will policy be shaped by the status quo and unforeseen foreign policy crises yet unimagined?
Why Cybersecurity Is More Important Now Than Ever
Despite which side of the political aisle your ideas land on, there is little debate that cybersecurity continues to be a hot issue. However, the debate over how best to go about treating these threats swiftly and amicably rages on.
Multi-Layer Security is Essential for Public Sector Networks
Public sector networks are prime targets for cyber-attacks. From criminal gangs looking to exploit sensitive personal information to hackers with political agendas threatening national security, public sector organizations face some of the most dangerous cyber-threats.
Building Security Layers – of Software
What can be done about major attack tactics in 2017?
UK Businesses Must Use the Apprenticeship Levy to Boost Cybersecurity Skills
This is a massive opportunity for UK businesses to close their cyber skills gap. But what is the Apprenticeship Levy, and how will it revolutionise IT security?
How to Hold on to Your Workforce During the Job Hunting Season
Losing employees can pose a serious organizational challenge. With the cost of employee turnover estimated to be as much as 1.5 to 2 times an employee’s salary, how can companies retain their workforce and protect their bottom lines?
Web Isolation: The Evolution of Enterprise-Ready Isolation
Isolation is based on the concept of creating an “air-gap” between the web and users, to eliminate the possibility of threats reaching and infecting devices.
Cybersecurity in 2017: Recruitment is Key
As the cost and frequency of breaches continue to increase, companies are learning the value in investing in the improvement their cybersecurity systems.
Why Containerisation Matters More Than Ever Before
As organizations mobilize, they cannot afford to compromise corporate security: yet mobility is in a constant state of flux, with new innovations in communication, collaboration and productivity-enhancing technology continuing to disrupt and confound conventional security practices.
How to Outsource Security Services: Tips for Small Businesses
Considering the sophisticated cyber-attacks which SMBs may face, it’s not particularly practical to form an IT team to monitor the network and keep an eye on regular employees’ activities.