Infosecurity Opinions

  1. Password Alternatives: How to Secure your Enterprise's Data

    There are two challenges with consumer security awareness — or lack of security awareness — that IT professionals need to take into account with passwords.

    1. Photo of Gur Shatz

      Gur Shatz

      Chief Technology Officer, Cato Networks

  2. Spoiler Alert: How Better Access Management and File Auditing Could Change Hollywood History

    Gone are the days when hackers are represented as anti-social nerds in dark rooms furiously tapping on their keyboards.

    1. Photo of François Amigorena

      François Amigorena

      Founder and CEO, IS Decisions

  3. Fighting Fire with Fire – AI, Cyber Security, and Roles of the Future

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a subject has been around for years, however it is only now that AI as a real possibility is bleeding into public consciousness.

    1. Photo of Eldar Tuvey

      Eldar Tuvey

      co-founder and CEO, Wandera

  4. How Security by Design can Boost Business Agility

    However, with a fixed set of resources and a constrained capacity to deliver on new projects, IT is often accused of holding the business back rather than enabling it.

    1. Photo of Kevin Paige

      Kevin Paige

      Head of Information Security and Compliance, MuleSoft

  5. Hygiene First, Turbo-Powered Cyber Machine-Learning Predictive Analytics Ninjas Second

    CISOs often find that they don’t have good visibility into the state of hygiene across their estate. Yet when they do start digging, they find there’s a lot of gaps.

    1. Photo of Nik Whitfield

      Nik Whitfield

      chairman and founder, Panaseer

  6. Don’t Get Complacent About Ransomware

    When you live and breathe IT and information security, it is easy to forget that not everyone in your organization is on the same page.

    1. Photo of Bruce Penson

      Bruce Penson

      Managing Director, Pro Drive IT

  7. How to Automate Governance, Risk and Compliance

    Automating GRC systems is an effective way to implement a robust information security management system process whilst keeping costs low.

    1. Photo of David Lello

      David Lello

      Director of Burning Tree

  8. How to Quantify the Risk of an Insider Threat

    Almost 80% of employee fraud takes place in accounting, operations, sales, senior management, customer service, and purchasing.

    1. Photo of David Green

      David Green

      chief security officer of Veriato

  9. Phishing Simulations: Will They Cure Your Company's Susceptibility?

    The holy grail of information security behavior change is upon us. Or so “they” would have you believe.

    1. Photo of Aurobindo Sundaram

      Aurobindo Sundaram

      VP Information Security Assurance & Data Protection RELX Group

    2. Photo of Aurobindo Sundaram

      Aurobindo Sundaram

      Head of Information Assurance & Data Protection, RELX Group

  10. You’ve Got Email…Problems

    One of the most contentious elections in modern history is finally over. The candidates and their surrogates mercilessly attacked one another’s character and reputations, inflicting wounds that will take a long time to heal. But beyond the personal reputations that suffered, there was something else that took an incredible beating: email technology.

    1. Photo of John  Ackerly

      John Ackerly

      CEO and Co-Founder of Virtru

  11. Whaling 101 - What You Need to Know About CEO Fraud Email Attacks

    Have you ever received an email out of the blue advising your parcel has “experienced an exception” or alerting you that you’re due a refund from your phone company and asking you to click a link?

    1. Photo of Steven Malone

      Steven Malone

      Director of Security Product Management, Mimecast

  12. When the Boundary Isn’t Enough: Accelerating Discovery, Investigation and Response

    Depending on which study you are citing, anywhere between 50% and 95% of companies have already been breached.

    1. Photo of Noam Rosenfeld

      Noam Rosenfeld

      Senior Vice President Research and Development, Cyber Intelligence Solutions, Verint Systems

  13. A Glimpse into Database Scalability

    Database scalability refers to the ability of a database to scale based on the workload it is subjected to.

    1. Photo of Tony Branson

      Tony Branson

      Database Load Balancing Senior Analyst, ScaleArc

  14. Internal and External Ramifications of Leaked Board Strategies

    Looking at breach response and how to prepare against the prospect of bad news.

    1. Photo of Sandra  Fathi

      Sandra Fathi

      President and Founder of Affect

    2. Photo of Brian Stafford

      Brian Stafford

      Board Expert and CEO of Diligent

  15. IoT in the Home Requires a Complete Security Rethink

    We're entering exciting times. Burgeoning technologies that were once stuff of science fiction look soon to become ubiquitous and commonplace.

    1. Photo of Steven Boyd

      Steven Boyd

      Security Consultant, Researcher, Ethical Hacker and Freelance Writer

  16. How Can the NHS Protect Itself Against Cyber Attacks?

    It’s not easy to put a cost on cybersecurity breaches in healthcare

    1. Chris Welch

      Product Manager, RAPid, BridgeHead Software

  17. Internal & External Ramifications of Leaked Board Strategies

    Brian Stafford, board expert and CEO of Diligent, and Sandra Fathi, president and founder of Affect, respond to key questions that answer how to best protect board materials and what companies can do to prepare for future breaches

    1. Photo of Sandra  Fathi

      Sandra Fathi

      President and Founder of Affect

    2. Photo of Brian Stafford

      Brian Stafford

      Board Expert and CEO of Diligent

  18. What Role Does Privacy Play in Your Digital Transformation Strategy?

    There are two approaches that an organization can take to modernize digitally – ‘internal business process out’ or ‘customer experience in’

    1. Photo of Randy Lenaghan

      Randy Lenaghan

      Vice-President at Echoworx

  19. Stop and Think: Cybersecurity Best Practices for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

    Eight simple tips that all shoppers can benefit from as we approach the holiday season

    1. Photo of Joseph Carson

      Joseph Carson

      Chief Security Scientist & Advisory CISO - Delinea

  20. What Does the Role of CISO Look Like in 2016?

    It is essential for CISOs and CIOs to continually advance their knowledge to stay ahead of the game

    1. Photo of Tammy  Moskites

      Tammy Moskites

      CIO and CISO, Venafi

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