‘Adult Movie’ Stars Teach New Zealanders About Cyber-Safety

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The New Zealand government has found a novel way to inform parents about what could happen when their kids access X-rated content on the internet.

As part of a new cyber-safety ad campaign, two ‘adult movie’ actors turn up naked on the doorstep of an unsuspecting mother to tell her that her young son has been watching them perform online.

After introducing themselves, Derek and Sue proceed to rattle off a long list of devices through which the curious boy has accessed pornographic content. Included among them are a PlayStation, a phone and a projector.

After cluing mum up on her son’s online antics, the pair mention thedifferences between the sex depicted in blue movies and the physical intimacy that takes place in real life.

The attention-grabbing advert is part of the government’s drive to raise awareness that what is accessed online can have an impact on how people, especially youngsters, act offline. Other adverts included in the campaign address the detrimental real-world effects of cyber-bullying and highlight how easy it is for children and teens to access violent content.

The Keep It Real Online campaign follows a study published in December 2019 that revealed many of New Zealand’s young people primarily learn about sex from the internet, where extreme sexual behavior is normalized. With no other sphere of reference, impressionable youngsters can feel pressured to mimic what they see on screen in their own sex lives.

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