Infosecurity Slackspace
Pop Culture: Hotbed of Malvertising
Popular news and entertainment websites unknowingly host 58% of malvertising activity.
AI Researcher: Let's Not Create Robot Overlords
Artificial intelligence can evolve into something that threatens our very existence, if developed without stringent ethical research parameters.
Terror on Wheels: Car Hack Takes Over Brakes, Steering
Using everyday radio signals, a remote attacker from there could take over the brakes and the steering. And yes, that’s terrifying.
Google's Self-Driving Cars Collide 'Surprisingly Often'
Human error by other drivers, not hacking or poor robot driving, is to blame
FireEye Intern, Author of Dendroid Android RAT, Busted in Darkode Sting
The 20-year-old hardcore hacker is also a two-time intern at the cybersecurity firm, ironically researching malware and viruses on Android smartphones
Film Watches a Midwest Town With Its Own Camera
The filmmaker intercepted a town surveillance feed to watch the comings and goings of everyday citizens for a new documentary.
Faceglória is Here to Save Your Social Soul
Faceglória is a lot like Facebook, only it trades “likes” for amen! clicks, and, naturally, tightly controls its users’ content.
Israeli Hackers Pioneer an Info-Stealing Pita Bread
Researchers found way to break encryption keys using radio waves with a gadget that’s just perfect for tucking into an innocuous-looking piece of flatbread.
United, NYSE, WSJ Outages: Cyber-apocalypse or Coincidence?
Everyone's wondering about the mysterious triumvirate of outages—were they connected? Was China behind it?
EU News Sites on the Hook for Offensive Comments
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that one of Estonia’s largest online news sites can be fined for comments left by anonymous readers.
Miss Lonely-hearts Scams Prey on the Lovelorn
Sociopaths take advantage of people’s emotions, eventually grinding their self-esteem (and life-savings) into dust.
WhatsApp Can Land You in Jail in the UAE
If you drop an F-bomb on WhatsApp, you can look forward to doin’ a hard-time beef, as they say up in the clink.
Kickstarter: An Eden for Fraudsters and Dumb Ideas?
The FTC busts the guy who left board-game backers without their promised dark-fantasy figurines. An object lesson?
Acai Berries: Spendy, Trendy and Dangerous
In cyber-crime land, these Brazilian wonder-berries are fresh meat for attracting the masses. Because Acai comes at a cost—and everybody wants it.
French Parking Machines Wage a Mini-Revolution
The parking ticket machines in the small town of Meaux have an issue with the town's mayor, Jean-François Copé.
Open a Garage Door in Seconds with a $12 Toy
OpenSesame uses a toy for tween girls to open almost any garage door that uses a fixed code, in less than 10 seconds.
Russian Billboard for Banned Italian Imports Hides When it Sees a Cop
The digital outdoor displays are rigged with facial recognition software that can identify Russian police.
Overexposed: Parents Post 1,000 Pics of Their Kids Before Age 5
Parents almost never bother to check their privacy settings to see what’s public and what isn’t.
Hardcore Porn Collage Graces Scareware Scam
The bad guys are going for maximum shock effect