Advanced Protection Against Zero Day Threats and Malware

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The cyber-threat landscape continues to evolve. Each year, attackers add new techniques and tactics to their arsenal, increasing their ability to evade detection and attack your systems. 

Zero day threats and advanced malware can easily evade anti-virus solutions that are simply too slow to respond to the constant stream of emerging threats.

The findings from WatchGuard’s Q4 2019 Internet Security report show that threat actors are always evolving their attack methods. With over two-thirds of malware in the wild obfuscated to sneak past signature-based defenses and innovations like Mac adware on the rise, businesses of all sizes need to consider implementing multiple layers of security. 

In this webinar, we will investigate evolving zero day and malware threats and discuss the best practice options for protecting your business.

Key takeaways:

  • Discover more about how zero day threats can evade traditional defenses
  • Understand more about new and rapidly-evolving cyber-threats in 2020
  • Learn the tools, techniques and technologies needed to defend against zero day threats
  • Best practice advice to implement a multi-layered approach to protect your organization


Photo of Mark Chaplin

Mark Chaplin

Principal, Information Security Forum

Photo of Michael Hill

Michael Hill

Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Oli  Venn

Oli Venn

Cyber Security Engineer, WatchGuard Technologies

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