Anatomy of an Attack - Fraud Revealed

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Financial fraud is on the increase and has, for the first time in seven years, outpaced virus attacks to become the most costly category of computer crime loss experienced by businesses in the USA, according to data released in September 2007 by the FBI and the Computer Security Institute.

This data indicates that the nature of IT Security has changed significantly: the perpetrators are no longer small-time pranksters and nuisances; cybercrime is now big business and a prime target for organised crime.

This event will explore fundamental fraud concepts relating to e-Commerce, including banking, online wealth management and healthcare.

We will take an in-depth look at the most prevalent threats for the coming years as well as advanced detection mechanisms, including an analyst's perspective during an actual fraud attempt.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Gain an insight into the background of digital fraud.
  • Learn how to detect fraud and the best detection mechanisms
  • Hear an analyst's perspective of a fraud detection


Colby DeRodeff

Enterprise Strategist, ArcSight

Steve Gold

Infosecurity Magazine

Alistair Kelman

E-Crime Legal Specialist

Photo of Peter Wood

Peter Wood

Partner and Lead Consultant, Naturally Cyber LLP

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