Attack Surface Management: Discover and Secure Your Unknown Internet Exposure at Scale

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Exploiting public-facing applications is one of the most common attack vectors to gain initial access and launch cyber-attacks. The average enterprise runs 464 custom applications, driven by accelerated digital transformation during the pandemic. However, the actual number is much higher due to shadow IT, making it difficult for security teams to secure the “unknown” and keep track of their evolving attack surface. 

With more external-facing applications than ever, changing how we think about application security is essential. Traditional application scanning and pen testing are imperative to identify runtime vulnerabilities in ‘known’ web services. Still, there’s one problem – you’re only testing what you know, not what’s actually out there and at risk. A new approach is needed to help security leaders identify, measure and reduce the overall internet exposure - continuous attack surface management.

Attend this webinar to discuss best practices for identifying and managing your external attack surface and explore the benefits of applying a risk-based approach to the application security testing cycle.

Topics include:

  • The dramatic rise of applications and your external attack surface 
  • What is external attack surface management (EASM) and why organizations need it
  • How different attack vectors are contributing to your growing attack surface
  • Understand the most common application attack vectors across retail, finance, manufacturing and healthcare
  • How EASM best practices can help get your house in order and reduce shadow IT risks


Photo of Simon Clark

Simon Clark

Director, FortNet UK

Photo of Benjamin David

Benjamin David

Deputy Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Stephane Konarkowski

Stephane Konarkowski

Senior Security Consultant, Outpost24

Photo of Brad LaPorte

Brad LaPorte

CMO, Morphisec and former Gartner Analyst

Photo of John Stock

John Stock

Director of Product Management, Outpost24

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