Automation for the People and Processes

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Automation is maturing in security, and becoming an increasingly essential component of modern security processes. However, what are the right processes to automate, and how can you effectively integrate automation into your security program?
During this webinar, we will look at the current conversations on automation, and look at how you can evaluate your current security program to maximize efficiency, as well as identify areas that may benefit from automation.
Key takeaways:

  • How you can automate processes easily and efficiently
  • Understand what the results of automation can be, and how you can use them
  • Examples of effectively automated processes
  • What the correct actions to take when automation fails you


Photo of Derek Brink

Derek Brink

Vice President, Research Fellow, Aberdeen Group

Photo of Raef  Meeuwisse

Raef Meeuwisse

CISM, CISA, Author of Cybersecurity for Beginners

Photo of Tyler Terenzoni

Tyler Terenzoni

Technical Product Manager, Automation, Rapid7

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