A Better Defense: Does Modern Security Fit With Modern Attacks?

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The typical security network structure consists of many working parts, but is that enough to protect the modern business from modern cyber-threats? Well, the number of successful attacks would suggest not. So where can things be improved? One way is to consider software-defined segmentation and how it can replace the firewall to give you a competitive advantage for security.

In this webinar, a panel of experts will discuss the state of the firewall from its origins to its modern use points and ask if it is really still fit for security needs or whether the future of security requires a more dynamic solution.

Key takeaways:

  • How you can use software-defined segmentation and what benefits it can bring to security strategies
  • Why you don’t need to rip out your old firewalls but also why you should consider investing in other technology rather than spending more on firewalls.
  • Why you need to consider monitoring of outsourced services


Photo of Torry Crass

Torry Crass

Cyber Security Advisor, vCISO at Woodstar Labs

Photo of Dave Klein

Dave Klein

Senior Director of Engineering & Architecture, Guardicore

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