Are you contemplating moving more of your resources into the cloud – whether it be data, applications, or infrastructure? Or have you already done so, but still have questions about security and compliance issues that never go away? The good news is that you are hardly alone.
Recent surveys have shown that the security of cloud-based services continues to be one of the primary concerns for infosec and GRC professionals. The major issues include your potential (or current) provider’s transparency and the amount of insight you have into their security controls. Nearly 80% of those recently polled in the IT security industry said they were more likely to choose a cloud vendor that could demonstrate compliance with regimes such as FISMA, SOX, and PCI-DSS, but how can you be sure the providers you are considering have similar controls in place, and what guidance is their available to help make this determination? This webinar, sponsored by EVault, will help you answer these questions and more.
This webinar will:
- Give advice on who is responsible for data protection in the cloud
- Provide guidance on evaluating cloud providers based on your specific needs
- Discuss the relevant cloud computing and compliance standards to help plan your organization’s cloud security strategy.