The Risks of Component Security & How to Deal with Them

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Research shows that only 52% of organizations that use third party applications update them when a new security vulnerability becomes public.

Third-party code is now relied upon more than ever by companies seeking to leverage features and functionality that already exists, but these organizations must inventory and manage these components in order to ensure visibility into potential security exposure, reducing the risk of breaches, failing to meet compliance requirements and new, stricter regulations.

In this webinar we will explore how organizations can best take on open source risk and elaborate on findings from a recently published Vanson Bourne study with input from 400 applications.

Key takeaways:

  • How IT organizations are approaching DevOps and security’s role within this new paradigm
  • Detailed insights into the level of usage of open source components 
  • The latest trends and practices around application inventory management


Photo of Callum  Budd

Callum Budd

Project Manager, Vanson Bourne

Photo of Mark Curphey

Mark Curphey

Founder and CEO, SourceClear

Photo of Michael Hill

Michael Hill

Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of James Jardine

James Jardine

CEO, Jardine Software Inc

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