Generation Gmail: Is business email at risk?

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Email is arguably the most important of all applications used in business. It is certainly difficult nowadays to imagine any business functioning for more than a very short time without it. However, the management of corporate email systems is notoriously complex, and the way in which people use corporate email makes it even more complex.

As the use of social media sites and mobile devices grow, a new generation of workers enters the workplace. New ways of working help and empower our users, yet far too often they can be the source of security breaches and data loss. And how much of that is via email?

Mimecast has commissioned independent research into the habits of business email users to see if corporate email technology and policies are leaving organisations vulnerable to the risk of data loss.

Many workers display a particular frustration with corporate email restrictions and will readily “work around” these using personal email accounts in order to remain as productive and flexible as possible.

During this webinar you will hear our panel of experts discuss why IT departments need to honestly assess the impact that users have on data loss and why corporate email policies can push users to insecure email practices.

This session will also outline practical steps that can be taken to stop this happening inside your organisation.

In just 60 minutes, you will:

  • Hear key ‘take aways’ from the Generation Gmail survey commissioned by Loudhouse
  • Better understand the risk of data loss via email
  • See why users are driven to use alternative methods other than corporate email
  • Learn what practical steps you can take to safeguard your organisation from data loss via email

CISSPs, SSCPs and ISACA members can receive 1 CPE credit for attending each webinar. You can earn the credit by simply specifying your number on the registration form and correctly answering 3 multiple choice polling questions about the program at the end of the event.


Nathaniel Borenstein

Chief Scientist, Mimecast

Steve Gold

Infosecurity Magazine

Justin Pirie

Cloud Specialist, Mimecast

Photo of Peter Wood

Peter Wood

Partner and Lead Consultant, Naturally Cyber LLP

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