Fulfilling Network Security Requirements and Business Needs

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Organizations are being faced with constant network security challenges. The rise of even more dynamic application provisioning with the adoption of agile development methods results in an unprecedented increase in policy change requests that need to be addressed without introducing new risks.

In addition, applications that may have moved to the cloud and hybrid data centers must be accessible to remote workers.

Amongst that backdrop, security policy management automation can aid organizations in addressing the challenges they face.

In this webinar, a panel of security experts will discuss how to:

  • Gain full visibility of your multi-vendor network environment and the underlying connectivity
  • Handle the rapid demand for network changes with automation for both on-premises and cloud environments
  • Avoid errors and misconfigurations to mitigate gaping holes in what was once effectively secured environments


Photo of Dania Ben-Peretz

Dania Ben-Peretz

Product Manager, AlgoSec

Photo of Michael Hill

Michael Hill

Former Editor, Infosecurity Magazine

Photo of Joseph Neumann

Joseph Neumann

Director, Coalfire

Photo of Larry  Whiteside Jr

Larry Whiteside Jr

Co-Founder and President, Cyversity and Co-Founder & President, Confide Group

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