Supercharge Your Security With Intelligence-Driven Threat Hunting

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Security teams face the reality that eventually adversaries will compromise an environment.

A user may click on a link in a phishing email that downloads malware. A threat actor may exploit an unpatched vulnerability, or log in with compromised credentials. Once an adversary gains access, there is an opportunity for threat hunting to identify and remove the threat before it moves laterally.

To act swiftly in a sea of log data, threat hunters need to know the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of the adversary — an innovative and reliable way to identify intrusions and eliminate threats inside a network.

This is intelligence-driven behavioral threat hunting.

Why focus on TTPs in threat hunts? It’s difficult for adversaries to adapt their TTPs compared to other ephemeral indicators of compromise (IOCs). Additionally, adversaries that have already gained initial access to an organization often use trusted applications to conceal their activity and avoid detection with IOCs like malware signatures.

Join Intel 471 for this 30-minute webinar to discover how:  

  • CTI elevates hunts to new levels of accuracy and measurements of success
  • To maximize the value of your security logging data with CTI-driven behavioral threat hunting
  • To use CTI-powered behavioral threat hunt packages to assist in identifying stealthy, malicious activity
  • Behavioral threat hunting can identify precursors to ransomware attacks

Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your organization's security posture!


Photo of Mike Mitchell

Mike Mitchell

VP of Threat Hunt Intelligence, Intel471

Photo of Liam Tung

Liam Tung

Content Manager, Intel471

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