Security-First Migration: How to Navigate Your Route to the Cloud

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The cost of sustaining a fixed IT infrastructure, with the risk of continued use of legacy systems and hardware, is further forcing organisations to consider cloud adoption. In order to get the full benefits of cloud in a secure way, businesses must adapt their security solutions and expertise to one that is fit-for-purpose.
In this webinar, we will look at the options that migration to cloud can offer legacy IT, and how modern cloud can enable full control to better comply with stricter data protection regulations.

Key takeaways:

  • Why fears on losing control in the cloud are unfounded
  • Why cloud is a more secure offering than legacy IT
  • If cloud can be a safe place for data storage post GDPR
  • How a security first mentality can be adopted
  • Why having the right skills are paramount to security success


Photo of Daniele Catteddu

Daniele Catteddu

Chief Technology Officer, Cloud Security Alliance

Photo of Rob Russell

Rob Russell

Cyber Security Specialist, Rackspace

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