Supply Chain Risk and Mitigation in Operational Technology

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Operational Technology (OT) environments, critical to the infrastructure of industries such as manufacturing, energy, and healthcare, are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats.

Third party risks have exploded in recent months and are a top concern for cybersecurity leaders working in organizations with sprawling supply chains and multiple vendors.

Ensuring secure and controlled access for vendors is paramount to maintaining the integrity and safety of OT systems.

In this 30-minute session, experts from Imprivata will introduce the unique security challenges in OT environments and the increased importance of security vendor access in OT sectors.

Join us to learn:

  • How real-world examples of OT security breaches can be mitigated
  • Ways to enhance security through multi-factor authentication (MFA) and session recording
  • Expert insights on overcoming common hurdles in OT security
  • How Imprivata VPAM provides secure, controlled, and audited vendor access


Photo of Joel Burleson-Davis

Joel Burleson-Davis

SVP Worldwide Engineering, Cyber, Imprivata

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