Access Identity credentials are one of your organization's biggest secrets. They're like oil: valuable, powerful, and - in the wrong hands - highly toxic. How can you manage them and make sure they’re secure? In this webinar, our panel of experts will discuss the nature of access identity credentials, how they have evolved, and some of the risks involved with not managing them properly.
We will also look at how you can keep credentials safe. What are the common credential management tasks that cause companies problems? How does the technical environment (for example, machine-to-machine infrastructure machine identities vs human users) affect credential management tasks? How can we ensure that end-users register and use their credentials when they receive them, especially in a world of remote work? What best practices can companies follow when managing credentials, and how can technology help?
Talking points will include:
- What the modern credential authentication landscape looks like.
- Common credential management problems facing administrators.
- How credential management challenges face will change as we move to a passwordless world.