NTT Security 2018 Global Threat Intelligence Report Executive Guide

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In 2017, the World Economic Forum rated cybersecurity as one of the top risks facing the world today. Independently, business leaders reprioritised cybersecurity as a strategic initiative demanding further focus and investment.

The relentless evolution of the threat landscape places the onus on businesses to innovate more rapidly than their adversaries. Cyber-awareness from the top down is imperative if the business, clients, and employees are to be protected. Also, protecting a network from compromise upfront is far less costly than dealing with post-event financial repercussions, reputational damage, legal ramifications, regulatory penalties, and breach recovery costs. 

In this Executive’s Guide for the EMEA region, we highlight findings that will help you make investment decisions aligned with your industry sector, geographic profile, and risk appetite and looks into:

  • Emerging trends such as ransomware, threat intelligence, industry targeting, and compliance regulations
  • How to establish cyber-resilience and agility within your business 
  • Scaling at pace whilst remaining secure and compliant 

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