In this deep dive discussion, Synack solutions architect and red team expert, Jeremiah Roe, takes a practical approach to the attacker lifecycle. He walks through each of the seven steps of the kill chain, from reconnaissance to actions on objectives, providing live demonstrations and tools. Security practitioners will come away from the workshop with a deeper understanding of the adversarial mindset and ways to apply an intelligence-driven defense model to identify, detect and prevent intrusions by threat actors.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- How the adversary applies the kill chain: the seven-step process of the attacker lifecycle and methodologies with an in-depth demonstration of the kill chain
- New exploits and how to defend against them: a live demo highlights what a couple of exploits look like. Listen in on the various scenarios with an adversarial mindset, while taking into account threat actors and how they commonly exploit or target one of the six critical weaknesses in the defensive posture
- How to add rigor to your pen-testing: where traditional penetration testing stops and crowdsourced penetration testing probes further