Microsoft Digital Defense Report

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The 2021 Digital Defense Report draws on data and signals from across Microsoft, including the cloud, endpoints, and the intelligent edge, with actionable advice from our security experts.

We share these insights in the spirit of transparency, to help make the digital world a safer place for everyone.

Read the report to learn the latest insights about:

  • The state of cybercrime: Understand new developments in the cybercrime economy and the growing market for cybercrime services, with analysis of what Microsoft is seeing and recommendations for mitigating risk.
  • Nation state threats: Read the latest on nation state adversarial activity, including reports on seven key activity groups, with analysis of the evolving threats in this watershed year.
  • Supply chain, IoT and OT Security: Learn how Microsoft thinks about end-to-end supply chain security in nine investment area, covering the Internet of Things (IoT) and operational technology (OT) threat landscape.
  • Hybrid workforce security: Moving to a hybrid workforce points to the importance of adopting a Zero Trust approach. Discover key threat signals and data across the six pillars of Zero Trust—identities, endpoints, applications, network, infrastructure, and data.
  • Disinformation: Learn about the unprecedented increases in disinformation campaigns and related cyber operations by state and non-state actors, and how to mitigate through cybersecurity and media literacy.
  • Actionable insights: Discover the five shifts transforming the inclusive, data-driven future of work, with a distilled review of all the look at the key learnings from the report.

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