Reducing Vulnerability to Downtime

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 Every company faces critical hours when system downtime is unwelcome—whether

it’s planned or unplanned. Increasingly, companies that were able to accommodate
some periods of downtime for backups and system maintenance are finding that this
window is quickly shrinking (or has disappeared altogether) because of increased
system demands—especially from global and online business. 
Because of the need to keep systems available for increasing amounts of time, companies are realizing that
a system failure or a site disaster would create an enormous disruption and expense,
especially if it went on for longer than a few hours. For many companies, exposure to
this amount of potential downtime has become unacceptable. Companies that thought
they weren’t candidates for a high availability solution are now realizing an urgent
need to start looking at their options.
The purpose of this white paper, provided by Vision Solutions, is to provide an overview of a business continuity technology designed to serve as a cost-effective component for data resiliency and recovery strategies. The critical components of these ‘high availability’ solutions are detailed, including data replication engines, system monitors, the importance of autonomic processes, and more.

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