It’s becoming ever-more common for organisations of all sizes to deploy at least a portion of their computing infrastructure in the cloud. First seen as a cost-saving strategy, the cloud is now leveraged to accelerate IT service delivery, improve business continuity and provide greater flexibility, resulting in competitive advantages in dynamic market conditions.
The basic foundation of securing a cloud environment is ‘full-stack visibility’ into your cloud assets. Achieving full-stack visibility has become even more crucial, because what you can’t see carries the risk of unforeseen and unmanageable risks.
However, as cloud environments continue to expand at an unprecedented rate, new security risks arise for organisations. With cloud deployments, speed is always of the essence, amplifying the challenge of finding a solution that can see and manage all assets and their associated risks for a company.
This white paper outlines a revolutionary new approach to cloud asset visibility and security, exploring the pros and cons of conventional cloud approaches and includes a comprehensive solutions comparison matrix.